This blog exists to document and promote graffiti culture and creativity in the Modesto California area and the greater 209 region. Pictures will be posted as often as they are taken, edited, and put on the site. Pictures are taken around the Modesto area by our team of photographers and then selected for publication. We will take pictures of any sort of graffiti, be it tags, pieces, throw-ups, wheat paste, stencils, or stickers. We will however, not promote any sort of racist, homophobic, sexist, or otherwise bonehead vandalism - unless it's crossed out and altered!

The goal of this site is to promote graffiti -
on the street. Not to make money. Not to make graffiti part of the 'art world.' And not to make any set writer or crew famous. Graffiti is an illegal act - a desire to act on a world and landscape that acts so much on us, to make a mark on a sea of alienation and despair.
It is a crime of freedom.
We also will be posting information about graffiti and hip hop events that we feel are related to the content of this blog. In the future, we hope to publish a zine based off the best material taken from this site.
For more information,
contact us here.